Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics, Faculty of Economics, Ryukoku University
||| Birth |||
November 1960 (Nara, Japan)
||| Degree |||
・Dr. Agricultural Science ( The University of Tokyo)
・M.Sc. in Conservation and Utilisation of Plant Genetic Resources
・M.Soc.Sc. in Development Adiminstration
||| Academic Background |||
1979-1984 | Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University |
(1982-1983) | Exchange student to The University of Wisconsin and Intern at United States Department of Agriculture Potato Introduction Project) |
1987-1988 | School of Biological Science, The University of Birmingham, UK |
1988-1989 | School of Public Policy, The University of Birmingham, UK |
||| Areas of Specialization |||
・Development Administration
・Development Sociology
・Rural Development
||| Research Topics |||
・Socio-economic aspects of management of Crop Genetic Resources
・Relations between residents and external actors in rural development
・Development of training materials for rural community development
・Rural tourism and eco-tourism for regional development
||| Academic Associations |||
・The Japanese Society of Regional and Agricultural Development (Board member)
・Japan Society for International Development
・Japan Society for Environmental Education
・apan Society of Organic Agriculture
||| Publications |||
== Books ==
2013 | The Hiroshima Agricultural Gene Bank: Re-introducing Local Varieties, Maintaining Traditional Knowledge Yoshiaki Nishikawa and Tone Winge in Realising Farmers' Rights to Crop Genetic Resources Success Stories and Best Practices Edited by Regine Andersen, Tone Winge |
2005 | “Community Development Initiatives by Citizens [Case Studies]” (co-author with T. Matsuo and A. Atsushi) Soseisha (in Japanese : Shimin Sanka no Machidukuri, Jirei-hen) |
2005 | “Community Development Initiatives by Citizens [Theoretical Analysis]” (co-author with T. Matsuo and A. Atsushi) Soseisha (in Japanese : Shimin Sanka no Machidukuri, Senryaku-hen) |
2005 | “Farmer participatory management of Crop Genetic Resources” Nousan Gyoson Bunka Kyokai (in Japanese : Sakumotsu Idensigen no Noumin Sankagata Kanri) |
2003 | “Green Tourism” (co-author with T. Datai) Souseisha (in Japanese: Green Tourism) |
2002 | “Regional Culture Based Development” Kyushu Daigaku Shuppan-kai (in Japanese: Chiiki Bunka Kaihatsu Ron) |
2001 | “Asia, Kyushu and Tourism in the 21st Century” (co-author) Asia Pacific Center |
1990 | “Institution for plant genetic resources in developing countries” The University of Birmingham Paper in the Administration of Development NO.37 |
== Research Paper in English ==
2013 | 1Ryuichi Kuwagaki and Yoshiaki Nishikawa Rural women utilize outsider intervention to improve their social status -A critical review on community-based women's organizations in Bolivia - Journal of Agricultural Development Studies Vol.23 No.3 56-64 |
2012 | Bedru Bashir and Yoshiaki NISHIKAWA (co-author) ‘An Assessment of Farm Household Common Bean Seed Sources and the Seed Quality in Central Ethiopia’ Tropical Agriculture and Development Vol.56, No.3 104-112 (refereed) |
2011 | Intrinsic Constraint of “Intrinsic Value” Amino Yoshihisa and Nishikawa Yoshiaki Encounter (Department of Tourism and Transnational Studies, Dokkyo University) Vol.2 65-74 |
2011 | ‘How could Management of Borobudur world Heritage Site be enhanced for Improving Tourism Impact for the Community? : A Preliminary Comparison with Angkor World Heritage Site’ Devi Roza KAUSAR, Yoshiaki NISHIKAWA and Yoshihiko NISHIMURA Forum of International Development Studies No.40 31-42 (refereed) |
2010 | Heritage Tourism in Rural Areas : Challenges for Improving Socio-economic impacts’ Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 15:2, 195-213. Kausal, Devi Rosa and Nishikawa, Yoshiaki (refereed) |
2003 | ‘NGOs and Development: Considering Their Role as Actors Promoting Endogenous Development’ The APC Journalof Asian-Pacific Studies No.13 19-30 |
2003 | “Role of farmers and their perception on value of crop genetic resources for in situ conservation - A case of buckwheat species in Nepal-” Journal of Agriciultural Development Studies Vol.14. No.1. |
2002 | “Comparative Study on Cooperation for Agrobiodiversity Management in Developing Countries” (co-author with Keiji Ohga) Journal of Tropical Agriculture Vol.46. No.4. |
2001 | New Relations between Gene Bank and Farmers in Re-introduction of Traditional Vegetable Varieties. A case in Hiroshima, Japan.’ Proceedings of a workshop on Incentive Measures for Sustainable use and Conservation of Agrobiodiversity. Lusaka, Zambia, 11-14 September 2001 |
1989 | Longevity of Buckwheat Seeds and Their Tolerance to Desiccation’ (co-author with P.M.Mumford) Fagopyrum (International Buckwheat Association Newsletter) Vol.9. |