Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics, Faculty of Economics, Ryukoku University




||| Birth |||

November 1960  (Nara, Japan)



||| Degree |||

・Dr. Agricultural Science ( The University of Tokyo)

・M.Sc. in Conservation and Utilisation of Plant Genetic Resources

・M.Soc.Sc. in Development Adiminstration



||| Academic Background |||

1979-1984 Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University
 (1982-1983) Exchange student to The University of Wisconsin and Intern at United States Department of Agriculture Potato Introduction Project)
1987-1988 School of Biological Science, The University of Birmingham, UK
1988-1989 School of Public Policy, The University of Birmingham, UK



||| Areas of Specialization |||

・Development Administration

・Development Sociology

・Rural Development



||| Research Topics |||

・Socio-economic aspects of management of Crop Genetic Resources

・Relations between residents and external actors in rural development

・Development of training materials for rural community development

・Rural tourism and eco-tourism for regional development



||| Academic Associations |||

The Japanese Society of Regional and Agricultural Development (Board member)

・Japan Society for International Development

・Japan Society for Environmental Education

・apan Society of Organic Agriculture



||| Publications |||


== Books ==

2013 The Hiroshima Agricultural Gene Bank: Re-introducing Local Varieties, Maintaining Traditional Knowledge Yoshiaki Nishikawa and Tone Winge in Realising Farmers' Rights to Crop Genetic Resources Success Stories and Best Practices Edited by Regine Andersen, Tone Winge 
2005 “Community Development Initiatives by Citizens [Case Studies]” (co-author with T. Matsuo and A. Atsushi)  Soseisha (in Japanese : Shimin Sanka no Machidukuri, Jirei-hen) 
2005 “Community Development Initiatives by Citizens [Theoretical Analysis]” (co-author with T. Matsuo and A. Atsushi)  Soseisha (in Japanese : Shimin Sanka no Machidukuri, Senryaku-hen)
2005 “Farmer participatory management of Crop Genetic Resources” Nousan Gyoson Bunka Kyokai (in Japanese : Sakumotsu Idensigen no Noumin Sankagata Kanri) 
2003 “Green Tourism” (co-author with T. Datai) Souseisha (in Japanese: Green Tourism)
2002 “Regional Culture Based Development” Kyushu Daigaku Shuppan-kai (in Japanese: Chiiki Bunka Kaihatsu Ron)
2001 “Asia, Kyushu and Tourism in the 21st Century” (co-author) Asia Pacific Center
1990 “Institution for plant genetic resources in developing countries”  The University of Birmingham  Paper in the Administration of Development NO.37



== Research Paper in English ==

2013 1Ryuichi Kuwagaki and Yoshiaki Nishikawa  Rural women utilize outsider intervention to improve their social status -A critical review on community-based women's organizations in Bolivia - Journal of Agricultural Development Studies Vol.23 No.3 56-64
2012 Bedru Bashir and Yoshiaki NISHIKAWA (co-author) ‘An Assessment of Farm Household Common Bean Seed Sources and the Seed Quality in Central Ethiopia’ Tropical Agriculture and Development Vol.56, No.3 104-112 (refereed)
2011 Intrinsic Constraint of “Intrinsic Value” Amino Yoshihisa and Nishikawa Yoshiaki Encounter (Department of Tourism and Transnational Studies, Dokkyo University) Vol.2 65-74
2011 ‘How could Management of Borobudur world Heritage Site be enhanced for Improving Tourism Impact for the Community? : A Preliminary Comparison with Angkor World Heritage Site’  Devi Roza KAUSAR, Yoshiaki NISHIKAWA and Yoshihiko NISHIMURA  Forum of International Development Studies No.40 31-42 (refereed)
2010 Heritage Tourism in Rural Areas : Challenges for Improving Socio-economic impacts’ Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 15:2, 195-213.  Kausal, Devi Rosa and Nishikawa, Yoshiaki (refereed) 
2003 ‘NGOs and Development: Considering Their Role as Actors Promoting Endogenous Development’ The APC Journalof Asian-Pacific Studies No.13 19-30
2003 “Role of farmers and their perception on value of crop genetic resources for in situ conservation - A case of buckwheat species in Nepal-” Journal of Agriciultural Development Studies Vol.14. No.1.
2002 “Comparative Study on Cooperation for Agrobiodiversity Management in Developing Countries” (co-author with Keiji Ohga) Journal of Tropical Agriculture Vol.46. No.4.
2001 New Relations between Gene Bank and Farmers in Re-introduction of Traditional Vegetable Varieties. A case in Hiroshima, Japan.’ Proceedings of a workshop on Incentive Measures for Sustainable use and Conservation of Agrobiodiversity. Lusaka, Zambia, 11-14 September 2001
1989  Longevity of Buckwheat Seeds and Their Tolerance to Desiccation’ (co-author with P.M.Mumford) Fagopyrum (International Buckwheat Association Newsletter) Vol.9.